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News Release 17-095
Lost continent of Zealandia: Scientists return from expedition to sunken land
Two-month research cruise yields treasure trove of new information
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Did scientists find Zealandia beneath the waves? Their two-month expedition was a success.
Credit: IODP/JSRO/Tim Fulton
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The research vessel JOIDES Resolution about to leave Australia as it embarks on the expedition.
Credit: IODP
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Where were the scientists heading? A map shows the once-lost continent of Zealandia.
Credit: IODP
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Researchers explored deep under Zealandia's sea floor, obtaining samples of the continent.
Credit: IODP
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Locating the spots on Zealandia to obtain samples takes all-hands-on-deck, and a lot of equipment.
Credit: IODP/JSRO/Tim Fulton
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Zealandia on deck: a sediment core obtained through deep-sea drilling is pored over by scientists.
Credit: IODP/JSRO/Tim Fulton
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