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Partnerships to Accelerate Technological Development

From creating new knowledge to launching cutting-edge technologies, the Directorate for Engineering (ENG) strategically strengthens the nation's innovation ecosystem. ENG-supported activities encourage fruitful collaboration with industry, stimulate innovative thinking among students and spur translation of fundamental research. Whether engaging small groups or multi-university centers, the activities listed below firmly link scientific discoveries with industry to accelerate the nation's technological development.

Industry-Academia Partnerships

Engineering Research Centers. University teams enable new engineering frontiers and turn new knowledge into new systems technologies in partnership with business and regional stakeholders.

Grant Opportunities for Academic Liaison with Industry. Members of industry and academia transfer knowledge through research collaborations and fellowships.

Industry–University Cooperative Research Centers. Faculty and students investigate fundamental research questions inspired by industry members and other stakeholders.

INTERN (Non-Academic Research Internships for Graduate Students). INTERN enables graduate students already supported on an NSF grant to pursue internship and training opportunities outside of academia and augment their research assistantships with non-academic activities that will help them acquire professional development experience relevant to multiple career pathways.