Committee on External Engagement (EE)

Committee Members

Chair: Dorota Grejner-Brzezinska
Vice Chair: Heather Wilson

Alondra Nelson
Sarah O’Donnell
Marvi Ann Matos Rodriguez
Scott Stanley
Bevlee Watford

NSBO Staff: Nadine Lymn
Reba Bandyopadhyay
Elise Lipkowitz
Alexandra Surcel
Andrew Zeidell

Charge (NSB-2017-11)

The Committee on External Engagement (EE) is established to:

  1. Lead the NSB’s communication and engagement efforts with government, industry, the public, and the research and education communities
  2. Coordinate with NSF’s Office of Legislative and Public Affairs to ensure a complementary and integrated strategy
  3. Help the Board advance “the pursuit of national policies for the promotion of research and education in science and engineering”
  4. Explore and advance strategies to raise broad awareness of NSF’s unique and critical role in the nation’s science and engineering enterprise

In fulfilling its charge, the EE Committee will help address the Board’s responsibilities to:

  1. Advance national policies that promote research and education in S&E
  2. Disseminate Board reports, products, and policy recommendations
  3. Solicit input and perspectives from government, industry, the public, and the research and education communities.
  4. Recommend nominees for NSF Director and Deputy Director positions and for the NSB
  5. Recommend NSB honorary awardees
  6. Approve Waterman Award terms and conditions

The Committee on External Engagement is expected to:

  • Anticipate challenges and develop recommendations for NSB strategies and tactics to achieve its objectives
  • Help prepare Congressional testimony for Board members
  • Gather and share with the Board information on the interests and priorities of Congress, the White House, and other stakeholders
  • Cultivate champions for NSF in the public and private sectors
  • Improve the science community’s understanding of NSB and NSF decision-making and activities
  • Raise awareness of NSF actions that demonstrate accountable stewardship of taxpayer dollars
  • Help develop strategies to enhance scientific literacy, appreciation of NSF’s purpose, and the successes of the NSF-funded research community
  • Facilitate Board member participation in external engagement activities
  • Assess engagement effectiveness and outcomes
  • Coordinate with the Committee on National Science and Engineering Policy to ensure that Indicators and NSB reports are disseminated to statutory audiences and other stakeholders.
  • Coordinate with the Committee on Strategy to help communicate and advance priorities

The Committee is expected to report annually to the Board on the issues and activities within its purview.



*Members of the National Science Board whose terms have recently expired, temporarily serving as consultants to the Board.