The Geoscience Innovation Hub

The U.S. National Science Foundation Directorate for Geoscience (GEO) Innovation Hub (GEO iHub) helps those working in geosciences find and apply for funding opportunities in the following areas:

  • Use-inspired and translational research for university faculty and students.
  • Innovation and innovation ecosystems.
  • Work with the private sector.
  • Commercialization of results from NSF-funded research.
  • Societal and economic high-impact research.
  • Community-driven research.

The GEO iHub was initiated in 2019 to accelerate geoscience into the rapidly expanding arena of innovation and use-inspired science. It brings together programs that welcome proposals focused on geoscience from across NSF, including programs in the NSF directorates for Technology, Innovation and Partnerships (TIP), Engineering (ENG) and Computer and Information Science (CISE) and others.

iHub programs

Programs in the GEO iHub fall into three categories:

  1. Funding for faculty and students to work with the private sector:
  2. Funding to solve real-world, societal and technological problems with a multi-stakeholder approach:
    • Convergence Accelerator: Supports multi-stakeholder teams that tackle a major societal or technological challenge. Results must be delivered within two years.
    • Civic Innovation Challenge: Supports science teams working with communities and civic organizations to create solutions that increase community resilience in a specified area of interest.
  3. Funding to translate research results to society and the economy:
    • NSF Innovation Corps (I-Corps™): A training program that lets researchers find out if the innovation that resulted from their GEO-funded research could have commercial potential. I-CORPS teaches customer discovery using a hypothesis-driven method that helps discover whether an idea has the potential for a patent, license or viable start-up. I-CORPS involves a faculty member, a student or postdoc and a mentor who has been involved in tech transfer or starting their own company.
    • Partnerships for Innovation (PFI): Provides funding for principal investigators to improve their innovation to make it more attractive to investors. PFI has two tracks: One just for a professor or researcher and a second involving a small business collaborator.
    • NSF Small Business Innovation Research/Small Business Technology Transfer (SBIR/STTR): Provides funding for start-ups to attract investors to take their business to the next level.