Cluster 1: Funding for GEO-faculty and students to work with private sector parties
This is a cluster of funding opportunities that enable the interaction between university faculty and students and the private sector. Two (INTERN and GOALI) can be funded via supplements to active NSF awards. Two (GOALI and IUCRC) are competitively considered and awarded in consideration with other full proposals in a competition pool. All increase the mutual recognition of academics and the private sector of their importance to each other. Not only in terms of discovering interesting problems but also finding new sources for innovative ideas and problem solving. They also foster the realization by both parties of the potential of university intellectual capacity to industry, the expanded workforce in research universities can bring to the table, and opportunities for employment for students and postdoc involved in research projects of mutual interest.
INTERN: Up to $55k and 6 mo. graduate student internship (MSc or PhD) at a company or any non-academic entity.
- Supplement to an active NSF award.
- Does not count against maximum 20% award-supplement total.
- Internship must be with non-academic host at their location.
- Student and topic should be associated with the NSF award and student thesis.
- Can be renewed one time.
- Dear Colleague Letter: Non-Academic Research Internships for Graduate Students (INTERN) Supplemental Funding Opportunity
- INTERN (Air Force Research Lab)
- GEO DCL: Under Development
GOALI: Faculty opportunity to do mutually interesting research project with a private sector entity:
- Two ways to get funding
- Supplement to an active NSF award (note: this would count toward the 20% maximum allowed for total supplement requests for an award).
- Standalone proposal.
- Must be discussed with the Program to get approval prior to submission.
- Proposal submitted to appropriate NSF core program.
- Can be combined with a Mid-Career Advancement proposal (MCA/GOALI).
- NSF information Website
- GEO DCL: Under Development
IUCRC (Industry-University Cooperative Research Center): Center consisting of one of more university Sites targeting basic science needed by a sector of the economy to develop new understandings of processes and provide new services and products to society and the economy.
- 3 competitive stages: Planning $20k/1yr; Phase I; Phase II.
- Phase I = $150k/yr/Site; Phase II = $100k/yr/Site – NSF money supports Center administrative costs.
- Industry members pay membership fees that support industry advisory board member-approved faculty research projects that primarily fund students and postdocs.
- University overhead on any industry money contributed to the IUCRC is capped at 10%
- IUCRC Website
- IUCRC Solicitation (NSF 20-570)
- Sample Informational Video