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Series ended Conferences and workshops

Informational Webinar: NSF Convergence Accelerator 2023 Cohort Phases 1 & 2 for Tracks K, L, and M

About the series

NSF’s Convergence Accelerator, aligned to the Directorate for Technology, Innovation and Partnerships, is speeding research and discovery into practice by issuing a new funding opportunity focused on three new research track topics: Equitable Water Solutions, Real-World Chemical Sensing Applications, and Bio-Inspired Design Innovations.

In this 90 minute informational webinar, participants will learn about:

  • The NSF Convergence Accelerator program, to include our phased approach and innovation processes used to accelerate basic research into practice
  • The funding opportunity to include the research track focuses, required key Convergence Accelerator components, and important submission information

Optional 30 minute Track Breakouts

Join us after the webinar for an optional 30 minute breakout session featuring the three track topics – Track K: Equitable Water Solutions, Track L: Real-World Chemical Sensing Applications, and Track M: Bio-Inspired Design Innovations. During the breakouts you can ask additional questions and engage with similarly-interested stakeholders and researchers to potentially assist you in forming your team and formulating your proposal.


Captioning will be provided for the webinar. For other accessibility accommodations, please email rarequest@nsf.gov and copy Convergence-Accelerator@nsf.gov as soon as possible, but before May 26, 2023

Registration Details:

To register for the webinar, visit nsfconvergenceaccelerator.eventbrite.com.



Researchers and innovators have two submission pathways to submit their proposals: Solicitation, NSF-23-590, and Broad Agency Announcement (BAA), NSFBAA-CA23-01.

Track K: Equitable Water Solutions   

Fresh water is critical for future ecosystems, human health, and national security. This track will converge foundational knowledge and advancements in environmental sciences, geosciences, engineering, computing, social and behavioral sciences as well as other disciplines to develop solutions for water quality, quantity, and equity issues. 

Track L: Real-World Chemical Sensing Applications

Society is faced with challenges related to environmental quality and monitoring, food safety, agriculture, disease diagnostics, security, and terrorism. This track builds on foundational knowledge and recent advances to transform scientific discoveries into practice for societal and economic benefits. Science advances include olfaction and chemical sensing, sensor technologies, digital olfaction, artificial intelligence, neuromorphic systems, computational modeling, biomanufacturing, and robotics.

Swedish Research Council and Vinnova, two Sweden government agencies, are partnering with the NSF Convergence Accelerator on Track L. Swedish researchers and innovators can submit proposals to lead or be a team member on a multidisciplinary team for Track L.

Track M: Bio-Inspired Design Innovations

Bio-inspired solutions are needed to mitigate complex societal challenges, including climate change, infrastructure monitoring and resilience, food production and human health. This track capitalizes on foundational knowledge of nature to inspire the creation of innovative concepts, approaches, and technologies that build and control similar to nature to address pressing societal and economic challenges.



Research is often driven by a compelling societal or scientific challenge; however, it may take the researcher community years to develop a solution. To deliver tangible solutions that have a nation-wide societal impact and at a more accelerated pace, the NSF Convergence Accelerator brings together multiple disciplines, expertise, and cross-cutting partnerships to develop solutions through a convergence research approach and innovation processes. For additional information about the Convergence Accelerator, visit: new.nsf.gov/funding/initiatives/convergence-accelerator.


NSF's Directorate for Technology, Innovation and Partnerships, or TIP, harnesses the nation's vast and diverse talent pool to accelerate critical and emerging technologies and address pressing societal and economic challenges. TIP comprises three primary focus areas: fostering innovation and technology ecosystems; establishing translation pathways; and partnering across sectors to improve U.S. competitiveness, grow the U.S. economy and engage and train a diverse workforce for future, high-wage jobs. For more information about TIP, visit new.nsf.gov/tip/latest.


Past events in this series