About the series
The United States collects extraordinarily high-quality data on the science and engineering workforce. A key component is the SESTAT data collected by the National Science Foundation, Science Resources Statistics (SRS) which integrates three databases: The Survey of College Graduates, The Survey of Recent College Graduates, and the Survey of Doctoral Recipients. The sampling frame for the latter, the Survey of Earned Doctorates (SED), is also overseen by SRS.
The workshop will be held October 20, 2006 at NSF. It will bring together users and potential users of SRS restricted-use data. The goals of the workshop are threefold:
- Exchange information among users concerning creative uses of the data and research outcomes.
- Broaden the base of data users by familiarizing potential users with the data that are available, ways in which the data are currently being used and the possibility for other kinds of use.
- Provide feedback to SRS regarding the data and possible ways to enhance both the data and its use.
Call for Papers
Current Users who wish to be considered for participation should submit a two- page abstract and/or draft of a paper to pstephan@gsu.edu by June 16, 2006. The abstract must include a discussion of the data used in the research. If selected, full papers will be due by September 15, 2006.
Potential Users who wish to be considered for participation should submit a two- page narrative to pstephan@gsu.edu by June 16, 2006 indicating the research question they would address if they were to gain access to the data. Revised narratives are due by September 15, 2006.
Selection will be made by a three-member advisory committee. Applicants will be notified of the committee’s decision by July 21, 2006.