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Computing Classroom Resources

This collection of lessons and web resources is aimed at classroom teachers, their students, and students' families.

Blood clot removing catheter competition activity
Total activity time: ~20 minutes.

A Foundation for Robotics: Designing cooperative, intelligent systems of the future
Resource: Educators and Students
This NSF website looks at long-term federal investments in science and engineering research and the researchers who pursue them. Their work leds to novel machines that safely partner with people in nearly every environment. Soon, helping hands are as likely to be made of metal and plastic as flesh and bone.

Children's Digital Media Center
Resource: Educators, Parents and Researchers
The Children's Digital Media Center is a collaborative study by the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA), and California State University, Los Angeles (CSULA), about children, teens and emerging adults' interaction with newer forms of interactive digital media. The site offers articles and other information about studies including research of interest to parents and educators.

Computational Science Education Reference Desk (CSERD)
Resource: Educators (grades K-12) and Students (high school and above)
The Computational Science Education Reference Desk (CSERD) aims to help students learn about computational science programs and help teachers incorporate computer science into their classrooms. There is a catalog of resources that can be browsed by subject, keyword, educational level and resource type. The site has information for teachers and can assist them in providing interested students with computer science learning opportunities.

Cyber-Physical Systems: Enabling a Smart and Connected World
Resource: Educators and Students
Just as the Internet transformed the way people interact with information, cyber-physical systems are transforming the way people interact with engineered systems. This NSF site explores how cyber-physical systems hold the potential to reshape the world with systems that enable a revolution of "smart" devices and systems from smart cars to smart grids, collectively giving rise to smart cities that can address some of the most pressing national priorities.

Understanding NSF Research: Computing
Resource: All Audiences
NSF has a long history of supporting computer and information science and engineering research, education and infrastructure. NSF's investments in these fields ensure innovative advances in computing; support a cutting-edge national computing and information infrastructure for advancing U.S. research and education in all areas of science and engineering; and support the development of a computing and information technology workforce with skills essential for success in an increasingly digital and global economy.

Cybersecurity: Tech, tools and training to safeguard the future
Cybersecurity is one of the defining issues of our time. Can we keep our networks, devices and critical systems open, safe, and secure while maintaining personal privacy? Cutting-edge, NSF-supported social and technical research--as well as education and workforce development programs--is helping to protect national, and personal, security.

Beyond Today's Internet: Experiencing a smart future
NSF played a pivotal role in creating the Internet by initiating NSFNET in 1985, linking researchers to the nation's supercomputing facilities. Since then, NSF investments in novel hardware and software, and new networking architectures, protocols and applications have enhanced the speed, security and accessibility of the Internet. By nurturing communities of researchers, experimenters and developers, the agency continues to advance the capabilities of the Internet for generations to come.


Mysteries of the brain: Brain-computer interface

New breed of drones!

Harvey devastation sees largest ever-known deployment of UAVs for disaster response

Cave 2 immerses scientists and engineers in their research....literally (Science Nation)

Big Data to individualize management of chronic diseases (Science Nation)

Quantum computing: Science Behind the News

See more videos related to Computing in the NSF Multimedia Gallery