Physics Classroom Resources
This collection of lessons and web resources is aimed at classroom teachers, their students, and students' families.
LIGO: Einstein Was Right
A century ago, Albert Einstein predicted gravitational waves -- ripples in the fabric of space-time that result from the universe's most violent phenomena. A hundred years later, NSF-funded researchers using the Laser Interferometer Gravitational-wave Observatory (LIGO) have detected gravitational waves.
K-12 Curriculum: Physics
Resource: Educators (grades K-12)
Part of the Teach Engineering website, this section provides educators with numerous lesson plans and engaging activities to teach concepts in physics to elementary through high school students. Popular lessons include "Kinetic and Potential Energy of Motion" and "Physics of Roller Coasters."
Science of NHL Hockey
Resource: Educators, Students, Families
NSF, in partnership with NBC Learn, NBC Sports and the National Hockey League, explore the science, math and phyciscs behind professional hockey, the fastest game on ice. This 10-part series is made especially for students and teachers to use in the classroom; the videos are aligned to lesson plans and national state educational standards. The lesson plans are available to the public cost free on and NSF and NBC Learn also collaborated on other fun, educational series including
Science of the Winter Olympics;
Science of the Summer Olympics: Engineering in Sports;
Science of NFL Football;
The Science of Speed.
Physics Research Overview
Resource: All Audiences
Physics begins with the everyday physical world around us and goes on to give us many answers--along with a rich and detailed account of things like force, motion, gravity, heat,light, electricity and magnetism--that actually give rise to the everyday world. This overview page on the National Science Foundation's Web site provides insight through funded research that everyone can benefit from.
The 2017 multi-messenger neutrino discovery
Ball in a funnel: Little Shop of Physics
The Physics of Animation: Science Nation
Electromagnetic Spectrum: Chalk Talk
Piezo power: Under pressure, crystals live up to their electric potential
See more videos related to Physics in the NSF Multimedia Gallery.