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What's good for crops is not always good for the environment

Nitrogen, a key nutrient for plants, can cause problems when it leaches into water supplies.



What gives flowers their eye-catching hues?

To solve the mystery of why roses are red and violets are blue, scientists are peering into the genes of plant petals.



Studying nature's rhythms: Soundscape scientists spawn new field

"Earth sound": the composition made by wind, rain, thunder, crashing waves, bubbling brooks.



Sunflowers turn from east to west, and back, by the clock

Scientists discover how sunflowers use internal circadian, or "clock," timing to follow the sun.



Researchers boldly go into the heart of a spring tornado

May 1 through June 15: That's the time of year when tornadoes are most common.



New frog hiding in plain sight

In the wilds of New York City--or as wild as you can get that close to skyscrapers--scientists found a new frog species.


Roses are red; violets are...well, violet - but why?

In nature, flowers grow in hues that span the rainbow. As this video shows, the colors come from the plants' biochemistry.