NSF Advisory Committee for Cyberinfrastructure

The Advisory Committee for Cyberinfrastructure (ACCI) advises the U.S. National Science Foundation on strategies to develop and support a state-of-the-art cyberinfrastructure that enables significant advances across all fields of science and engineering. 

Reports and documents

Advisory committee

Andrew Chien

William Eckhardt Distinguished Service Professor in Computer Science
University of Chicago
Term expires: 2027

Deborah Dent 

Chief Information Officer 
Jackson State University 
Term expires: 2025

Ann Gates

Senior Advisor to the Provost for Strategic STEM Initiative
The University of Texas at El Paso
Term expires: 2027

Samuel Graham

Dean, A. James Clark School of Engineering
University of Maryland
Term expires: 2027

Susan Gregurick 

Member of BIO Advisory Committee 
Director, IGMS Division of Biophysics, Biomedical Technology, and Computational Biosciences
National Institutes of Health
Term expires: 2027

Julia Lane

New York University Wagner Graduate School of Public Service
Term expires: 2027

David Lassner 

University of Hawaii 
Term expires: 2025 

Ruth Marinshaw 

Chief Technology Officer - Research Computing 
Stanford University 
Term expires: 2027

Peter Mattson

Term expires: 2027

Anita Nikolich 

Director of Research and Technology 
University of Illinois 
Term expires: 2025

Willie Pearson 

SBE Representative 
Georgia Institute of Technology 
Term expires: 2025

Claire Porter 

Acting Co-Director, Polar Geospatial Center 
University of Minnesota 
Term expires: 2025 

Hakizumwami Birali Runesha 

Associate Vice President for Research Computing 
Director of the Research Computing Center 
University of Chicago 
Term expires: 2026

National Artificial Intelligence Research Resource (NAIRR) pilot subcommittee

Subcommittee co-chair

Tilak Agerwala
Head, Innovation and STEM
Turn the Bus

Subcommittee co-chair

Roscoe Giles
Professor, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, and founding member of the Faculty of Computing & Data Sciences
Boston University

Stephen Bach
Assistant Professor of Computer Science
Brown University

Deborah Dent
Chief Information Officer 
Jackson State University

Michael Garris

Computer Scientist and Senior Principal Technical Policy Analyst
MITRE Lab’s Artificial Intelligence and Autonomous Systems Innovation Center

Rayid Ghani

Distinguished Career Professor in the Machine Learning Department and the Heinz College of Information Systems and Public Policy
Carnegie Mellon University

Melissa Haendel

Director, Precision Health & Translational Informatics, and Sarah Graham Kenan Distinguished Professor
Department of Genetics
The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill 
Co-founder of the Monarch Initiative and the National Covid Cohort Collaborative

Raquel Hill

Associate Professor and Chair
Computer and Information Sciences Department 
Spelman College

David Jensen

Professor of Computer Science
College of Information and Computer Sciences 
University of Massachusetts Amherst

Daniel Kang

Assistant Professor
University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign

Julia Lane

New York University Wagner Graduate School of Public Service

Ed Lazowska

Professor, Bill & Melinda Gates Chair Emeritus
University of Washington Paul G. Allen School of Computer Science & Engineering

Ruth Marinshaw

Chief Technology Officer for Research Computing
Stanford University

Melanie Moses

Professor of Computer Science and Biology 
University of New Mexico
External faculty member, Santa Fe Institute

Anita Nikolich

Research Scientist and Director of Research and Technology Innovation
University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign

Fay Cobb Payton

Special Advisor to the Chancellor for Inclusive Innovation
Professor, Department of Mathematics and Computer Science
Rutgers University – Newark Campus
Affiliate faculty in the Rutgers New Jersey Medical School

Hakizumwami Birali Runesha

Associate Vice President for Research Computing and 
Director, Research Computing Center
University of Chicago

Valerie Taylor

Director, Mathematics and Computer Science Division and 
Argonne Distinguished Fellow
Argonne National Laboratory

Gabriella Waters

Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning Researcher, Assessing Risks and Impacts of AI Team
National Institute of Standards and Technology 
Director of Operations and Director of the Cognitive & Neurodiversity AI Lab 
Morgan State University Center for Equitable AI & Machine Learning Systems

Contact information

For questions about the Advisory Committee on Cyberinfrastructure, contact Christine Christy at cchristy@nsf.gov.