Abstract collage of overlapping, bright-colored glowing circles
Series ended Q&As and information sessions

DBI New Solicitations Webinar

About the series

DBI New Solicitations Webinar:

Realigning Programmatic Areas, No-Deadlines, and the Rules of Life Track in BIO

DBI recently released two new solicitations that focus on supporting research resources in DBI:

1)    Infrastructure Capacity for Biologyand

2)    Infrastructure Innovation for Biological Research.

As with other core program solicitations recently posted by the BIO Directorate, neither of these solicitations have a submission deadline.

They replace the following solicitations:

1)         Advances in Biological Informatics;

2)         Collections in Support of Biological Research;

3)         Improvements in Facilities, Communications, and Equipment at Biological Field Stations and Marine Laboratories; and

4)         Instrument Development for Biological Research.

The purpose of this webinar is to explain how its two new solicitations will affect consideration of proposals in the division. The presentation will focus on: 1) programmatic changes; 2) the no-deadline system and submission limits; and 3) DBI’s interface with the new Rules of Life track (a component of the core solicitations across all four divisions in BIO). DBI Program Officers will be present to answer any questions you may have concerning these changes.

For additional information, please read the Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) for the Directorate of Biological Sciences (BIO) Core Programs Solicitations (NSF 18-106).

You are required to register for the webinar on WebEx. Once you have registered, you can log into the webinar 15 minutes prior to its start time.
1. Go to https://nsf2.webex.com/nsf2/onstage/g.php?MTID=e69036959fd4f6d30a18d2c31eb4c9dc4
2. Click "Register".

If you are unable to participate in the live webinar, a recorded version with transcript will be posted below this announcement approximately one week later.

Past events in this series