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Mathematical and Physical Sciences (MPS) Funding Rates

The most recent funding rates data for Mathematical and Physical Sciences (MPS) appears below.

Sometimes referred to as "success rate", the proposal funding rate for a given period is calculated by dividing the number of new, competitively reviewed awards made in a fiscal year by the number of competitive awards and declines made in that fiscal year. The category of actions associated with "competitively reviewed proposals" excludes actions on preliminary proposals, contracts, IPA agreements, supplements, continuing grant increments, Graduate Research Fellowships, and similar categories. A proposal is included in a given year based on whether final decision was taken that year and not whether the proposal was received in that year.

Overall FY 2024 MPS funding rate: 27%
Division Funding Rate Actions Awards
AST 18% 1027 184
CHE 33% 1143 382
DMR 25% 1231 306
DMS 26% 2533 650
OSI 22% 153 33
PHY 45% 627 285