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News Release 12-138
Ancient Alteration of Seawater Chemistry Linked With Past Climate Change
Dissolution or creation of huge gypsum deposits changed sulfate content of the oceans
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Gypsum from land to sea: Iran's Zagros Mountains contain much water-soluble gypsum.
Credit: NASA
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Space shuttle view of Earth's "gypsum belt," which likely changed seawater chemistry.
Credit: NASA
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The drillship JOIDES Resolution during one of its port calls in Honolulu Harbor.
Credit: IODP
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Geoscientist Ulrich Wortmann (right) and colleagues aboard the JOIDES Resolution.
Credit: University of Toronto
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NSF-funded marine scientist Adina Paytan near the ocean she studies.
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The researchers' work is described in the July 20, 2012 issue of the journal Science.
Credit: Copyright AAAS 2012
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