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News Release 17-010
NCSES publishes latest Women, Minorities, and Persons with Disabilities in Science and Engineering report
Report from NCSES, a division of NSF, provides data on the U.S. science and engineering enterprise
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The report is part of NSF's congressionally mandated mission to broaden participation in science and engineering.
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In 2015, women and some minority groups were represented less in science and engineering (S&E) occupations than they were in the U.S. general population.
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Some groups have disproportionately low representation in science and engineering (S&E) compared to the U.S. population. Groups like Asians and whites have higher representation.
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In 2015, scientists and engineers had a lower rate of unemployment than the U.S. general population. But underrepresented minority women had higher rates than did white or Asian men and women.
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Women earn nearly half of S&E bachelor's degrees. While their proportion of degrees in nearly every field has increased over time, their participation in different fields continues to vary.
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Students with disabilities are about as likely as those without to enroll in science and engineering (S&E) fields and slightly more likely to attend 2-year schools.
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Over a decade, Hispanic women's share of bachelor's degrees rose in several fields.
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In 2014, as in past years, undergraduate enrollment patterns varied among racial and ethnic groups.
Credit: NSF
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