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NSF News

NSF funds 10 new PREM seed grants

The U.S. National Science Foundation awarded new seed grants through the NSF Partnerships for Research and Education in Materials (NSF PREM) program to support 10 collaborative research teams across the United States. These teams will lay the groundwork for full-fledged NSF PREM awards at these institutions in the future.

Each seed award provides $800,000, for a total NSF investment of $8 million, and will support materials research partnerships between minority-serving institutions and large-scale, NSF-supported research centers and facilities. These seed grants are intended to support these minority-serving institutions over the next three years to begin building partnerships, with the hope that they will be better prepared and ready for a full PREM award in the future. These 10 seed awards are in addition to eight PREM awards that were recently announced.

PREM is intended to enhance and solidify a pathway for young researchers from underrepresented groups to enter the vibrant field of materials science and engineering by providing them access to cutting-edge research and education. The program has since 2004 supported many cohorts of students through their graduation and beyond to successful and rewarding careers in materials research.

"Our PREM program is helping to build the future of materials research and the students, faculty, and partners who are engaged in it," said Sean L. Jones, Assistant Director of MPS. "This program allows us to harness more talent by expanding and developing a diverse workforce that will lead to exciting innovations and continue to push U.S. leadership in STEM fields."

Below are descriptions of the 2021 PREM seed grants.

Tennessee State University-Fisk University-University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign (TSUFI) PREM collaboration

Tennessee State University and Fisk University.

NSF Materials Research Science and Engineering Center (NSF MRSEC), University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign.

This project is creating strategic research opportunities and exchanges, structured within a supportive framework of education, career preparation and cross-institutional mentoring, that will increase access to advanced materials facilities and training of underrepresented minority undergraduates. It will build recruitment pathways to increase the enrollment of underrepresented minority students in materials-related graduate programs at Tennessee State University, Fisk University and the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, ultimately increasing the number of minority STEM graduates prepared for materials science careers in industry, government and academia.

SEED Partnership for Research and Education in Superatomic and 2D Materials (PRES2M) 

Howard University.

NSF MRSEC on Precision-Assembled Quantum Materials, Columbia University.

This research will focus on how light interacts with matter for developing new optical and electrical devices for the quantum information age. This is a research and education program that increases participation of undergraduate students in materials science and engineering (MSE), mentored by graduate student trainees and teacher-scholar postdoctoral associates in MSE, to strengthen existing diversity efforts at Columbia University and provide a foundation for the MSE degree-granting program at Howard University.

PREM to Fueling Opportunities for Successful and TransformativE Retention of Chemistry Majors (PREM to FOSTER-Chem)

Florida A&M University.

NSF GlycoMIP at Virginia Tech.

Students and researchers will synthesize and characterize hybrid poly(arylene ether sulfone) semi-synthetic materials using different glycan chemistries. The partnership with GlycoMIP will use research in polymer/glycan materials to enhance student success and attainment of graduate degrees, increase faculty productivity in obtaining external grants and publications and develop collaborative relationships to potentially establish a Florida A&M University-Virginia Tech Bridge track.

California State University, Long Beach's PREM

California State University, Long Beach.

NSF Center for Emergent Materials, The Ohio State University. 

This program will focus on frontier research in magnetic, thin film and biomaterials. California State University, Long Beach is a Hispanic-serving institution and hosts leading master's-level programs in STEM fields such as physics and astronomy, chemistry and mathematics. The PREM will leverage existing connections via respective Bridge programs to improve retention and doctoral degree attainment of students from underrepresented groups through sustained research engagement, mentoring and professional development opportunities. 

Xavier University of Louisiana—University of Chicago's PREM

Xavier University of Louisiana.

NSF MRSEC University of Chicago.

This PREM will work on developing new materials for application in lithium-ion and lithium metal batteries. The partnership will provide undergraduate students with access to cutting-edge research and world-class research facilities and increase exposure to materials science education for students at the middle and high school levels.

 The University of Texas at Arlington's PREM

The University of Texas at Arlington.

NSF MRSEC, Northwestern University.

This PREM will address fundamental aspects of functional materials such as electron transport and energy filtering across mixed-dimensional heterostructures, in addition to developing new heteroanionic materials with tunable properties that are otherwise inaccessible from simpler homoanionic structures and chemistries. The PREM framework elements of this project will include engaging undergraduate students in challenging materials research, participating in NSF Research Experiences for Undergraduates summer programs, peer mentoring and recruiting into the graduate materials science and engineering program.

Soft Matter Research & Technology and Quantum Confinement Materials Design (SMaRT QD)

 Delaware State University and Claflin University.

NSF Center for Hybrid, Active, and Responsive Materials, University of Delaware.

This PREM program will catalyze the rational design, synthesis and characterization of soft matter and quantum confinement materials with tunable properties driven by the Materials Genome Initiative approach, linking computation, data science and experimentation. The SMaRT QD PREM framework includes education and outreach activities that build upon innovative mentoring and multidisciplinary training pathways, advancing the recruitment, retention and degree attainment of underrepresented students throughout the academic pipeline to support a world-class, next-generation materials science workforce.

Ultrafast Dynamics and Catalysis in Emerging Materials

University of Central Florida.

NSF MRSEC, University of Washington.

This PREM program will focus on the discovery of new phenomena utilizing theory-guided design, synthesis, investigation and manipulation of novel quantum materials and catalysts. The core education mission of the PREM is to promote materials education and nurture an inclusive environment through the co-mentoring and exchange visits of students, organization of conferences, workshops for undergraduate students, summer camps for high school students and the development of open-source online learning modules.

The Materials Research and Education Consortium (MRE-C)

University of Hawai'i at Manoa.

NSF MRSEC, University of Washington.

Researchers will focus on developing advanced nano- to macroscale defect-bearing and doped materials for application in emerging energy and space technologies. PREM framework elements will include strong student dual mentoring, including individualized professional development plans; annual in-person student/faculty summer research exchanges, complemented by regular virtual exchanges; and joint research seminars and annual student symposia. The PREM pathway will increase the participation of underrepresented groups in materials science, especially Native Hawaiians and Pacific Islanders and women.

NCAT-Cornell PREM: Collaborative Research and Education in Energy Materials (CREEM)

North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State University.

NSF Cornell Center for Materials Research, Cornell University.

This PREM will develop low-dimensional titanium oxynitride-based materials capable of supporting energy conversion reactions. The team will focus on broadening the participation of underrepresented African American students in graduate education, leading to terminal degrees by engaging K-16 students in innovative materials research, education and outreach programs.