The U.S. National Science Foundation invests in research to understand the complex inner workings of the brain and to use this knowledge to develop technologies that improve people's lives and further the advancement of science. To yield these insights, NSF supports creative and integrative research across diverse areas of science and engineering.
These strategic investments will facilitate research and infrastructure development to revolutionize our understanding of ourselves, our relationships with others and our interactions with our constantly changing environment.
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Brought to you by NSF
NSF's strategic investments support research and infrastructure that will revolutionize the understanding of the brain. Pioneering work supported by NSF includes:
Neural networks
NSF-funded research has contributed to the development of neuromorphic computing systems. These systems mimic the architecture and functioning of the human brain, leading to advancements in artificial intelligence and machine learning.
NSF-funded researchers created new technologies for mapping the connectome of the brain. This comprehensive map illustrates neural connections that affect brain function.
Novel human-robot interfaces
NSF-funded research has facilitated direct brain-to-device communication to improve the accessibility and user-friendliness of robotic prosthetics and other assistive technologies for individuals with disabilities.
AI and brain data science
NSF-funded research has leveraged AI and data science to tackle biomedical and public health challenges, such as enhancing neurological rehabilitation methods, developing diagnostic tools for neurological diseases and implementing innovative healthcare approaches.
What NSF supports

Neural mechanisms and processes
Much remains to be discovered and understood about how the nervous system is organized and operates — from the basic components, processes and mechanisms of nervous systems to how the system controls complex behavior and cognitive function.
NSF advances this endeavor by supporting a range of research across scales, from the molecular to the complex behavioral aspects of organisms, incorporating various perspectives and approaches.
Accelerating Research through International Network-to-Network Collaborations
This program is open to researchers and scientists worldwide to accelerate scientific discovery and prepare the next generation of U.S. researchers for international collaborations. It is seeking proposals for international network-to-network collaborations aligned with a grand challenge.
Behavioral Systems
Supports organismal neuroscience studies to understand how behaviors are produced by neural and physiological mechanisms and how they are shaped by evolutionary processes. Supports species-specific and comparative studies and modeling and theoretical approaches.
Biomechanics and Mechanobiology
Supports research that enhances the understanding of engineering biomechanics and mechanobiology, from the sub-cellular to whole organism level.
Supports fundamental engineering research in the monitoring, identification and quantification of biological analytes using innovations at the intersection of engineering, life sciences and information technology.
Cellular Dynamics and Function
Supports interdisciplinary research on understanding cellular and subcellular systems across species. Proposals using physical, chemical, mathematical and computational approaches to gain insight into fundamental cellular functions are encouraged.
Chemical Synthesis
Supports research for creating new molecules to reduce the effects of metals, metal accumulation and reactive oxygen/nitrogen species in the brain. The program also supports the synthesis of small molecules to understand and combat neurodegenerative disorders.
Chemistry of Life Processes
Supports studies at the interface of chemistry and biology to advance understanding of the molecular underpinnings of life processes. Proposed research should focus on innovations in chemistry and address important questions about biological processes, including those at work in the nervous system.
Cognitive Neuroscience
Supports studies to understand the neural and computational mechanisms underlying complex human behavior and cognition. Hypothesis-driven proposals that achieve convergence across multiple behavioral and brain imaging techniques are encouraged.
Collaborative Research in Computational Neuroscience
Supports collaborative research and data-sharing proposals to enhance the understanding of nervous system structure, function, disorders and computational strategies domestically and internationally.
Integrative Strategies for Understanding Neural and Cognitive Systems
Supports high-risk, high-reward approaches to advance interdisciplinary frontiers in neural and cognitive systems. Key focus areas include neuroengineering, brain-inspired designs, individuality and variation, cognitive and neural processes and data-intensive science.
Mathematical Biology
Supports research that fosters innovation in mathematics and computation by addressing important questions about biological processes, including those underlying brain structure and function.
Molecular Biophysics
Supports fundamental research on the structure, dynamics and function of biomolecules and supramolecular assemblies. Proposals that aim to elucidate and establish the principles that underlie biomolecular interactions, regulation of biological function and biological organization at the cellular level are encouraged.
Neural Systems
Supports neuroscience studies from molecules and cells to complex organism behavior. The program encourages comparative approaches, studying organisms in natural contexts and developing new theoretical, computational and transdisciplinary methods.
Physics of Living Systems
Supports theoretical and experimental research to explore how living systems function in dynamic environments. Research proposals should aim to understand the basic physical principles underlying biological function.
Physiological and Structural Systems
Supports research on the mechanisms of organismal homeostasis and physiological control systems involving the brain and neuroendocrine systems, animal locomotion and feeding and sensory system physiology.

Understanding Intelligence
Advancement in understanding intelligence — including how organisms sense, learn, reason and communicate — can provide insights into how biological and artificial systems exhibit traits such as flexibility, resourcefulness, creativity, real-time responsiveness, long-term reflection and competence in complex environments and social contexts.
NSF supports numerous approaches to understanding intelligence, including behavioral, biological, cognitive, computational, engineering and mathematical fields that connect and contribute to one another.
Accelerating Research through International Network-to-Network Collaborations
This program is open to researchers and scientists worldwide to accelerate scientific discovery and prepare the next generation of U.S. researchers for international collaborations. It is seeking proposals for international network-to-network collaborations aligned with a grand challenge.
Behavioral Systems
Supports organismal neuroscience studies to understand how behaviors are produced by neural and physiological mechanisms, and how they are shaped by evolutionary processes. Supports species-specific and comparative studies, as well as modeling and theoretical approaches.
Cognitive Neuroscience
Supports studies to understand the neural and computational mechanisms underlying complex human behavior and cognition. Hypothesis-driven proposals that achieve convergence across multiple behavioral and brain imaging techniques are encouraged.
Collaborative Research in Computational Neuroscience
Supports collaborative research and data-sharing proposals to enhance the understanding of nervous system structure, function, disorders and computational strategies domestically and internationally.
Emerging Frontiers in Research and Innovation
Supports cutting-edge engineering research and seeks input from the engineering community to identify future research opportunities. The current topic, "Biocomputing through Engineering Organoid Intelligence," supports creating advanced 3D biological systems for information processing and actuation and gaining insights into natural neural processes and structures through dynamic systems theory.
Foundational Research in Robotics
Supports research on advanced robotic systems, defining a robot as intelligence embodied in an engineered construct that can process information, sense, plan and move within or alter an environment. This interdisciplinary program supports interconnected inquiries into intelligence, computation and embodiment.
Integrative Strategies for Understanding Neural and Cognitive Systems
Supports high-risk, high-reward approaches to advance interdisciplinary frontiers in neural and cognitive systems. Key focus areas include neuroengineering, brain-inspired designs, individuality and variation, cognitive and neural processes and data-intensive science.
Mind, Machine and Motor Nexus
Supports research on human intent, perception, behavior and motor manipulation, and welcomes studies on human-machine interfaces, communication channels, emotion, creativity, and human movement strategies.
National Artificial Intelligence Research Institutes
Supports national nexus points for collaborative efforts in AI research and innovation across various economic sectors.
Neural Systems
Supports neuroscience studies from molecules and cells to complex organism behavior. The program encourages comparative approaches, studying organisms in natural contexts and developing new theoretical, computational and transdisciplinary approaches.
Perception, Action and Cognition
Supports research in human perceptual, motor and cognitive processes, including studies involving human neural activity. The focus is on well-designed proposals addressing theoretically motivated questions.
Robust Intelligence
Supports computational research in AI, machine learning, computer vision, human language technologies and computational neuroscience.
Science of Learning and Augmented Intelligence
Supports research on learning and augmented intelligence in individuals and groups across different domains and influences, molecular and cellular mechanisms, cognitive, affective and behavioral processes and social and cultural influences.

Brain-Inspired Concepts and Design
The brain inspires novel conceptual paradigms and innovative technologies and designs that advance science and engineering to benefit society. Flexible, self-organizing, and energy- and data-efficient, the brain continues to be a source of inspiration for future technologies and discovery of scientific principles.
NSF supports these endeavors using a wide range of disciplinary and interdisciplinary approaches with applications in diverse fields, including bioengineering and health care, computation, communication, sensing, efficiency and network dynamics, robotics, civil infrastructure and advanced manufacturing.
Accelerating Research through International Network-to-Network Collaborations
This program is open to researchers and scientists worldwide to accelerate scientific discovery and prepare the next generation of U.S. researchers for international collaborations. It is seeking proposals for international network-to-network collaborations aligned with a grand challenge.
Advanced Manufacturing
Supports multidisciplinary research that fundamentally alters and transforms manufacturing capabilities, methods and practices. Brain-inspired research, for example, will help machine learning systems better address manufacturing problems.
Supports fundamental engineering research in the monitoring, identification and quantification of biological analytes using innovations at the intersection of engineering, life sciences and information technology.
Civil Infrastructure Systems
Supports research in civil infrastructure to create smart, sustainable and resilient communities. The program focuses on addressing data, modeling and computing challenges, as well as understanding human interaction with infrastructure to improve safety and reliability.
Collaborative Research in Computational Neuroscience
Supports collaborative research and data-sharing proposals to enhance the understanding of nervous system structure, function, disorders and computational strategies domestically and internationally.
Communications, Circuits and Sensing Systems
Supports research in circuit and system hardware, system processing techniques, network architectures for communication and sensing as well as sensing and biomedical applications of advanced technology for neuroscience.
Disability and Rehabilitation Engineering
Supports engineering research to enhance the lives of people with disabilities by developing new technologies and devices to improve human function. Areas of particular interest include energy-efficient, brain-inspired rehabilitation or assistive technologies that seek to learn and adapt while continually improving human function.
Dynamics, Control and Systems Diagnostics
Supports research that applies neural function in biological organisms to create engineered systems with new capabilities for learning and adaptability as well as projects drawing upon dynamic systems theory for new insights into neural processes and structures.
Emerging Frontiers in Research and Innovation
Supports cutting-edge engineering research and seeks input from the engineering community to identify future research opportunities. The current topic, "Biocomputing through Engineering Organoid Intelligence," supports creating advanced 3D biological systems for information processing and actuation and gaining insights into natural neural processes and structures through dynamic systems theory.
Energy, Power, Control and Networks
Supports research in modeling, optimization, learning and control of networked multi-agent systems, along with higher-level decision-making and machine learning algorithms.
Engineering for Civil Infrastructure
Supports research to shape the future of the country's infrastructure, climate change adaptation and disaster resilience. Areas of interest include human interaction with built environments, decision-making processes and human-robot collaboration in construction and post-disaster assessment.
Expeditions in Computing
Supports long-term, multi-institutional research in computer and information science and engineering. Investigators are encouraged to collaborate across departments or institutions to identify transformative research agendas with a forward-looking perspective of at least a decade and the promise of disruptive innovation.
Foundational Research in Robotics
Supports research on advanced robotic systems, defining a robot as intelligence embodied in an engineered construct that can process information, sense, plan and move within or alter an environment. This interdisciplinary program supports interconnected inquiries into intelligence, computation and embodiment.
Foundations of Emerging Technologies
Supports fundamental research in disruptive technologies and models in computing and communication, such as biological computation, nanoscale science and engineering, quantum information science and engineering and neuromorphic computing. The program encourages interdisciplinary collaboration to drive innovative solutions for hardware and software platforms.
Integrative Strategies for Understanding Neural and Cognitive Systems
Supports high-risk, high-reward approaches to advance interdisciplinary frontiers in neural and cognitive systems. Key focus areas include neuroengineering, brain-inspired designs, individuality and variation, cognitive and neural processes and data-intensive science.
Mind, Machine and Motor Nexus
Supports research on human intent, perception, behavior and motor manipulation, and welcomes studies on human-machine interfaces, communication channels, emotion, creativity and human movement strategies.
National Artificial Intelligence Research Institutes
Supports national nexus points for collaborative efforts in AI research and innovation across various economic sectors.
Convergence Accelerator
Supports large-scale societal challenges through use-inspired convergence research, employing innovative processes like human-centered design and multidisciplinary integration to transition basic research into real-world solutions.
Neural Systems
Supports neuroscience studies from molecules and cells to complex organism behavior. The program encourages comparative approaches, studying organisms in natural contexts and developing new theoretical, computational and transdisciplinary approaches.
Operations Engineering
Supports research to improve medical image analysis and signal processing for a better understanding of brain structure and function, focusing on integrating data from neuroimaging, proteomics, and genomics related to cognitive function.
Physiological and Structural Systems
Supports research on the mechanisms of organismal homeostasis and physiological control systems involving the brain and neuroendocrine systems, animal locomotion and feeding and sensory system physiology.
Smart Health and Biomedical Research in the Era of Artificial Intelligence and Advanced Data Science
Supports high-risk, high-reward advances in computer and information science, engineering, mathematics and behavioral research to address urgent biomedical and public health questions. Also supports fundamental research in advanced neurosensing, neurological rehabilitation and novel approaches to diagnosing neurological diseases.

Theory, Computation, Analysis and Modeling of Brain Function
Understanding the complexity and foundational principles of the brain requires a rich set of theoretical, computational, analytical and modeling approaches. In turn, increased understanding of the brain advances these approaches through the design and refinement of new theories, algorithms, modeling techniques, analysis methods and more.
NSF supports these endeavors using a range of disciplinary and interdisciplinary areas, including biology, chemistry, computing, engineering, information and data sciences, mathematics and physics.
Accelerating Research through International Network-to-Network Collaborations
This program is open to researchers and scientists worldwide to accelerate scientific discovery and prepare the next generation of U.S. researchers for international collaborations. It is seeking proposals for international network-to-network collaborations aligned with a grand challenge.
Algorithmic Foundations
Supports research in algorithm theory, including measures of problem complexity and new models inspired by the brain or shedding light on its functions.
Applied Mathematics
Supports mathematics research related to problems in science and engineering, funds conference and workshop proposals and emphasizes mathematical merit, novelty and impact on applications.
Chemistry of Life Processes
Supports studies at the interface of chemistry and biology to advance understanding of the molecular underpinnings of life processes. Proposed research should focus on innovations in chemistry and address important questions about biological processes, including those at work in the nervous system.
Cognitive Neuroscience
Supports studies to understand the neural and computational mechanisms underlying complex human behavior and cognition. Hypothesis-driven proposals that achieve convergence across multiple behavioral and brain imaging techniques are encouraged.
Collaborative Research in Computational Neuroscience
Supports collaborative research and data-sharing proposals to enhance the understanding of nervous system structure, function, disorders and computational strategies domestically and internationally.
Communication and Information Foundations
Supports research in information acquisition, transmission and processing in communications systems.
Computational and Data-Enabled Science and Engineering
Supports research that uses new computational and data science approaches to advance knowledge and accelerate discovery in science and engineering. The program supports projects that harness computation and data to advance knowledge and accelerate discovery.
Dynamics, Control and Systems Diagnostics
Supports research that applies neural function in biological organisms to create engineered systems with new capabilities for learning and adaptability and projects drawing upon dynamic systems theory for new insights into neural processes and structures.
Energy, Power, Control and Networks
Supports research in modeling, optimization, learning and control of networked multi-agent systems, along with higher-level decision-making and machine learning algorithms.
Foundations of Emerging Technologies
Supports fundamental research in disruptive technologies and models in computing and communication, such as biological computation, nanoscale science and engineering, quantum information science and engineering and neuromorphic computing. The program encourages interdisciplinary collaboration to drive innovative solutions for hardware and software platforms.
Information Integration and Informatics
Supports research on computational methods for the entire data life cycle to maximize the utility of information resources for science, engineering and society.
Integrative Strategies for Understanding Neural and Cognitive Systems
Supports high-risk, high-reward approaches to advance interdisciplinary frontiers in neural and cognitive systems. Key focus areas include neuroengineering, brain-inspired designs, individuality and variation, cognitive and neural processes and data-intensive science.
Supports research on human language, including its properties and intersections with other areas of science. The program encourages interdisciplinary projects exploring cognitive, neural and computational mechanisms supporting language.
Mathematical Biology
Supports research that fosters innovation in mathematics and computation by addressing important questions about biological processes, including those underlying brain structure and function.
Mind, Machine and Motor Nexus
Supports research on human intent, perception, behavior and motor manipulation, and welcomes studies on human-machine interfaces, communication channels, emotion, creativity, and human movement strategies.
Molecular Biophysics
Supports fundamental research on the structure, dynamics and function of biomolecules and supramolecular assemblies. Proposals that aim to elucidate and establish the principles that underlie biomolecular interactions, regulation of biological function and biological organization at the cellular level are encouraged.
National Artificial Intelligence Research Institutes
Supports national nexus points for collaborative efforts in AI research and innovation across various economic sectors.
Neural Systems
Supports neuroscience studies from molecules and cells to complex organism behavior. The program encourages comparative approaches, studying organisms in natural contexts and developing new theoretical, computational and transdisciplinary approaches.
Perception, Action and Cognition
Supports research in human perceptual, motor and cognitive processes, including studies involving human neural activity. The focus is on well-designed proposals addressing theoretically motivated questions.
Physics of Living Systems
Supports theoretical and experimental research to explore how living systems function in dynamic environments. Research proposals should aim to understand the basic physical principles underlying biological function.
Physiological and Structural Systems
Supports research on the mechanisms of organismal homeostasis and physiological control systems involving the brain and neuroendocrine systems, animal locomotion and feeding and sensory system physiology.
IIS: Robust Intelligence
Supports computational research in AI, machine learning, computer vision, human language technologies, and computational neuroscience.

People and Society: Human Cognition and Behavior
The human brain enables the qualities that define humanity, including intelligence, imagination, creativity, art, music, mathematics, language, science, and religion. Human brains and behavior are shaped during development and learning by societal and cultural context, knowledge and tradition.
Various programs at NSF seek to understand neural computations and the architecture of the human brain that give rise to human cognition and behavior in the contexts of societal, cultural and biological evolution.
Accelerating Research through International Network-to-Network Collaborations
This program is open to researchers and scientists worldwide to accelerate scientific discovery and prepare the next generation of U.S. researchers for international collaborations. It is seeking proposals for international network-to-network collaborations aligned with a grand challenge.
Cognitive Neuroscience
Supports studies to understand the neural and computational mechanisms underlying complex human behavior and cognition. Hypothesis-driven proposals that achieve convergence across multiple behavioral and brain imaging techniques are encouraged.
Collaborative Research in Computational Neuroscience
Supports collaborative research and data-sharing proposals to enhance the understanding of nervous system structure, function, disorders and computational strategies domestically and internationally.
Cultural Anthropology
Supports research to explore human social and cultural variations. Proposals should aim to understand how cognition, decision-making, neurological underpinnings and related topics contribute to social and cultural diversity.
Decision, Risk and Management Sciences
Supports scientific research aimed at improving decision-making effectiveness. The program funds research grounded in social and behavioral sciences and provides funding for doctoral dissertation research improvement grants and conference proposals.
This program collaborates with the Decision, Risk and Management Sciences program and others to provide funding for research in behavioral economics. This focus is on behavioral economics as a field of economic science that examines human economic decision-making.
Ethical and Responsible Research
Supports research to understand responsible and irresponsible research conduct and promote ethical behavior among researchers, practitioners and educators at all career stages. Projects may involve developing interventions for responsible research conduct.
IIS: Human-Centered Computing
Supports research in human-computer interaction, integrating knowledge across disciplines to design computing systems that enhance diverse human capabilities and understanding the interactions shaping the effects.
Integrative Strategies for Understanding Neural and Cognitive Systems
Supports high-risk, high-reward approaches to advance interdisciplinary frontiers in neural and cognitive systems. Key focus areas include neuroengineering, brain-inspired designs, individuality and variation, cognitive and neural processes and data-intensive science.
Law and Science
Supports studies on law, science and technology application in legal contexts, decision-making, attitudes, perceptions, moral and legal reasoning, and using neuroscientific evidence in human and civil rights, civil liberties, and judicial systems.
Supports research on human language, including its properties and intersections with other areas of science. The program encourages interdisciplinary projects exploring cognitive, neural and computational mechanisms supporting language
National Artificial Intelligence Research Institutes
Supports national nexus points for collaborative efforts in AI research and innovation across various economic sectors.
Mind, Machine and Motor Nexus
Supports research on human intent, perception, behavior and motor manipulation, and welcomes studies on human-machine interfaces, communication channels, emotion, creativity and human movement strategies.
Perception, Action and Cognition
Supports research in human perceptual, motor and cognitive processes, including studies involving human neural activity. The focus is on well-designed proposals addressing theoretically motivated questions.
Robust Intelligence
Supports computational research in AI, machine learning, computer vision, human language technologies, and computational neuroscience.
Science of Learning and Augmented Intelligence
Supports research on learning and augmented intelligence in individuals and groups across different domains and influences, molecular and cellular mechanisms, cognitive, affective and behavioral processes, and social and cultural influences.
Smart Health and Biomedical Research in the Era of Artificial Intelligence and Advanced Data Science
Supports high-risk, high-reward advances in computer and information science, engineering, mathematics and behavioral research to address urgent biomedical and public health questions. Also supports fundamental research in advanced neurosensing, neurological rehabilitation and novel approaches to diagnose neurological diseases.
Social Psychology
Supports research in social psychology, cognitive and affective neuroscience, social cognition, attitudes, stereotypes, decision-making, group dynamics, close relationships, emotions and more.

Neurotechnology and Infrastructure
The enterprise of understanding the brain requires innovation in technology and infrastructure. At NSF, a range of programs exist to support technological advancements — such as advances in research processes or education or new tools to meet societal needs — as well as the development of new human capital, cyber and physical infrastructure and capacity building to support the research endeavor.
Accelerating Research through International Network-to-Network Collaborations
This program is open to researchers and scientists worldwide to accelerate scientific discovery and prepare the next generation of U.S. researchers for international collaborations. It is seeking proposals for international network-to-network collaborations aligned with a grand challenge.
Advanced Computing Systems & Services: Adapting to the Rapid Evolution of Science and Engineering Research 2.0
Supports organizations willing to provide advanced cyberinfrastructure resources for computational and data-intensive research across all scientific and engineering disciplines while ensuring equal access for all users.
Biomechanics and Mechanobiology
Supports research that enhances the understanding of engineering biomechanics and mechanobiology, from the sub-cellular to whole organism level.
BioFoundries to Enable Access to Infrastructure and Resources for Advancing Modern Biology and Biotechnology
This infrastructure program aims to speed up progress in biological sciences, chemical biology, biotechnology and bioengineering by providing access to modern infrastructure, technology and capacity.
Supports photonics research for new medical technologies. Areas of interest include imaging, macromolecular markers and optogenetics.
Campus Cyberinfrastructure
Supports coordinated campus-level networking and cyberinfrastructure improvements for science applications and distributed research projects.
Chemistry of Life Processes
Supports studies at the interface of chemistry and biology to advance understanding of the molecular underpinnings of life processes. Proposed research should focus on innovations in chemistry and address important questions about biological processes, including those at work in the nervous system.
Chemical Measurement and Imaging
Supports research in measurement science and chemical imaging relevant to chemistry, including the development of innovative approaches and instruments useful to the chemistry community.
Community Infrastructure for Research in Computer and Information Science and Engineering
Supports building research infrastructure for diverse computer and information science and engineering researchers. This includes developing user services to attract and nurture a robust research community.
Communications, Circuits and Sensing Systems
Supports research in circuit and system hardware, system processing techniques, network architectures for communication and sensing as well as sensing and biomedical applications of advanced technology for neuroscience.
Cyberinfrastructure for Sustained Scientific Innovation
Supports the development of software and data cyberinfrastructure to meet the evolving needs of the science and engineering research community with an emphasis on integrated services, quantitative metrics and community engagement.
Engineering of Biomedical Systems
Supports research integrating engineering with life sciences, including neuroscience. Projects should use an engineering framework to advance understanding of physiological or pathophysiological processes and must contribute to both engineering and biomedical sciences.
Information Integration and Informatics
Supports research on computational methods for the entire data life cycle to maximize the utility of information resources for science, engineering and society.
Major Research Instrumentation
Supports discoveries by providing advanced research equipment to scientists and engineers. The prorgam supports diverse workforce development and partnerships between academia and the private sector.
Mid-Scale Research Infrastructure – 1
Supports the design and implementation of research infrastructure, including equipment, cyberinfrastructure, large-scale datasets and personnel. Total project costs must exceed the Major Research Instrumentation program but stay under $20 million.
Mid-Scale Research Infrastructure – 2
Supports the design and implementation of research infrastructure, including equipment, cyberinfrastructure, large-scale datasets and personnel. Total project costs should range between $20 million and $100 million.
Physics of Living Systems
Supports theoretical and experimental research to explore how living systems function in dynamic environments. Research proposals should aim to understand the basic physical principles underlying biological function.
Research Resources Cluster
Supports the innovation of tools and methods that advance contemporary biology in any research area supported by the NSF Directorate for Biological Sciences. The program focuses on research infrastructure applicable to a broad range of biological research questions and meets the needs of a well-defined community of researchers.

NSF-supported resources
Texas Advanced Computing Center
You can request access to the Frontera system at the Texas Advanced Computing Center for advanced computational and data capabilities. Frontera is one of the largest and most powerful supercomputers in the U.S. higher education system.
Advanced Cyberinfrastructure Coordination Ecosystem: Services & Support (ACCESS) program
Researchers and instructors in all disciplines can apply for allocations for compute or data resources from over two dozen high-performance computational systems via the Advanced Cyberinfrastructure Coordination Ecosystem: Services & Support (ACCESS) program. ACCESS replaces and expands upon the previous eXtreme Science and Engineering Discovery Environment (XSEDE) project. Allocation requests can be made through the unified ACCESS allocation portal.
Partnership to Advance Throughput Computing (PATh) program
Researchers in need of distributed high-throughput computing (dHTC), which involves carrying out a large number of tasks over an extended period, can apply for credits through this program.
Understanding the brain requires a well-trained, developed workforce. Convergent, interdisciplinary and multi-disciplinary approaches to training, education and workforce development are supported at NSF.
Workforce opportunities span a range of educational levels and a variety of institutional environments to help broaden the pool of STEM students and professionals ready to engage in this work.
Accelerating Research through International Network-to-Network Collaborations
This program is open to researchers and scientists worldwide to accelerate scientific discovery and prepare the next generation of U.S. researchers for international collaborations. It is seeking proposals for international network-to-network collaborations aligned with a grand challenge.
Advanced Technological Education
Supports the education of technicians in high-technology fields through partnerships between academic institutions, industry and economic development agencies.
Centers of Research Excellence in Science and Technology
Supports minority-serving institutions by establishing centers that integrate education and research. Eligible institutions have 50% or more minority group undergraduate enrollment. The program aims to enhance research capabilities, increase research productivity and presence of underrepresented students in STEM.
Centers of Research Excellence in Science and Technology - Research Infrastructure for Science and Engineering
Supports the expansion of research and education capabilities of minority-serving institutions to strengthen their science and engineering graduate programs and the successful production of research doctoral students.
Directorate for STEM Education Core Research
Supports research contributing to the knowledge underlying STEM education in areas such as learning environments, broadening participation and workforce development. The program supports STEM research activities for all learners in formal and informal settings.
Hispanic-Serving Institutions: Enriching Learning, Programs, and Student Experiences
Supports the advancement of STEM education and recruitment, retention, and graduation rates of students at Hispanic-serving institutions. The program also aims to promote the participation of underrepresented students in STEM and provide pathways to STEM workforce integration.
Historically Black Colleges and Universities Undergraduate Program
Supports the advancement of STEM education at historically black colleges and universities through innovative approaches. The program provides awards to enhance the preparation and success of undergraduate students for careers in STEM disciplines.
Improving Graduate Education
Supports new, transformative approaches to STEM graduate education training, focusing on piloting and validating innovative methods. This includes testing novel models or activities with high potential to enrich and extend effective graduate education.
Improving Undergraduate STEM Education
Supports initiatives to enhance STEM teaching and learning for college students. This includes researching effective methods and their applicability and instituting changes in educational institutions to incorporate successful STEM education practices.
Louis Stokes Alliance for Minority Participation
Supports universities and colleges diversify the workforce by increasing the number of STEM degrees awarded. The program provides support for eligible institutions to implement innovative practices and increase the number of underrepresented students in STEM fields. It also supports research and activities to increase participation in STEM pathways for underrepresented students. Funding is available for STEM mentoring, experiential learning opportunities and professional development, including support through the Bridge to the Doctorate Activity.
NSF Research Traineeships
Supports research-based graduate students in developing skills for STEM careers. The program provides training in high-priority research areas, offering stipends, tuition support and co-curricular activities such as courses, workshops and projects.
Scholarships for STEM
Supports higher education institutions to fund scholarships for academically talented low-income students and offers funding for evidence-based activities to aid recruitment, retention and graduation in STEM.
Strengthening the Cyberinfrastructure Professionals Ecosystem
Supports projects that enhance the integration of cyberinfrastructure professionals' services into research and foster innovative education and training to address emerging needs in workforce development.
Training-based Workforce Development for Advanced Cyberinfrastructure
Supports the use of cyberinfrastructure resources by researchers and the integration of core skills into undergraduate and graduate education.
Computer and Information Science and Engineering Graduate Fellowships
Supports early-career individuals with the potential to be high-achieving researchers and innovators. Awards are intended for those with practical experience after their bachelor's degree who are now interested in pursuing a research-based doctoral degree.
Computer Science for All
This program aims to provide all U.S. students, preK-12, the opportunity to participate in computer science and computational thinking education. This program aims to provide teachers, schools and districts with needed resources.
Centers of Research Excellence in Science and Technology (CREST) Postdoctoral Research Program
Supports postdoctoral research fellowships that broaden perspectives and facilitate interdisciplinary interactions. Fellows conduct research aligned with the host CREST Center's focus and receive active mentoring.
Faculty Early Career Development Program
Supports early-career faculty who have the potential to serve as academic role models and lead advances in research and education.
Graduate Research Fellowship Program
Supports outstanding graduate students who have the potential to become high-achieving scientists and engineers, to maintain the quality, vitality and diversity of the scientific and engineering workforce in the United States.
International Research Experiences for Students
Supports international research and research-related activities for U.S. science and engineering students, focusing on active research participation in high-quality international experiences in NSF-funded research areas.
Mid-Career Advancement
Supports mid-career scientists and engineers, helping them enhance their research programs and advance their careers by reducing constraints and promoting diversity in high academic ranks.
Postdoctoral Research Fellowships in Biology
Supports postdoctoral fellows in life sciences, focusing on broadening participation of underrepresented groups in biology and studying interactions between genomes, environments and phenotypes.
STEM Education Postdoctoral Research Fellowships
Supports individual and institutional postdoctoral awards to enhance the research skills of recent STEM, STEM education, education and related disciplines graduates and prepare them for research in STEM education.
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Contact us
For general inquiries, email, or contact program staff listed in the individual funding opportunity description.